What is Integral Energetics?
Integral Energetics (IE) relaxes and balances the nervous system and subtle energies of the body and mind. This can immediately reduce levels of stress and tension in a person, resulting in more ease and efficiency in oneself and life.
IE is a modern healing modality that offers a comprehensive and holistic map for the integration of the body, mind and spirit.
IE sessions are performed using precise light contacts on the body and in the energetic field around the physical body.
During IE sessions, the energetic spinal flow dynamics, that are usually dormant in human beings, become activated creating radical transformation and awakening of the spine and central nervous system. (Akin to activating kundalini energy of the ancient yogic & tantric traditions). These profound shifts in the tonal tension and alignment of the spine allow for a greater bandwidth of energy and information to flow through a person and their life.
IE “upgrades” the neuro-energetic spinal system, this creates easier breathing, a fluid flexible spine, increased vitality, inner calmness, and a more conscious connection to the self, others and the essence of Life.
IE draws on a range of evidence-based healing traditions including: chiropractic science, Network Spinal Analysis, neuroscience, vibrational energetic medicine, interpersonal neurobiology, and meditative wisdom teachings. This integration of science and ancient healing traditions serves the modern day transformation and awakening of the full human experience.
IE sessions facilitate discovery, release, reorganisation, transformation and integration of the bodymind. This creates many positive benefits that include:
Improved functioning of the nervous system.
Easier and freer breathing.
More fluidity and freedom in the spine.
Reduced tension within the joints, ligaments, and muscles.
More awareness of posture enabling self-correction in sitting, standing, and moving in everyday activities.
Improved functioning of the immune system.
Reduction or elimination of chronic pain and strain.
Resolution of emotional conflict.
Greater internal sense of safety, trust and presence.
Increases in physical, emotional and mental flexibility.
Improvement of body co-ordination and balance.
Better capacity to easily adapt to change.
Increases in energy and vitality.
Clearing of cellular memory.
Inner calmness and harmony.
Enhancement of Self-Awareness and spirituality.
IE is complementary to alternative natural health therapies and techniques that have the intention of personal growth and spiritual awakening. The positive effects of Meditation, Qi Gong, Yoga, Tai Chi, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Structural Integration (Rolfing) and Acupuncture can be greatly enhanced by IE sessions.
The Brain & Neuroplasticity: Integral Energetics balances & integrates the nervous system.